Monday, June 6, 2011

[S.H.E] News: Selina and Ella Won't Attend the Golden Melody Awards; Hebe will Represent S.H.E

Selina会突然抽痛 S.H.E合体暂无望

继飞轮海年底发片破局,女子天团S.H.E也宣告合体无望,田馥甄单飞「To Hebe」获好评,预计8月再推出第2张专辑。Hebe昨出席2011中华音乐人交流协会颁奖典礼透露,Selina最快明年重回舞台,「期望回到一起打拚的时光。」

偶 尔陪伴Selina复健,Hebe透露「她受伤的神经正在生长中,会突然抽痛,像被电到的感觉。」Ella正在拍电影、Selina健康状况不允许,下周 六金曲颁奖Hebe将一人饰两角,代表田馥甄与S.H.E出席盛会。被问到较期待Selina嫁人还是合体出辑?Hebe表示:「两件都是好事,只要发生 都会很感动。」




The news also talks about Hebe's 2nd album. It will be released on August  :) It said something about Selina returning to stage early next year. But it'll depend on her health. Hebe said Selina has an injured nerve which often brings a tingling effect to her like some electricity (or whatever!) Ella will be busy filming while Selina's health is still not good so Hebe will be the only one representing S.H.E. 

I feel very very sad that Ella is not attending :(( I was already expecting her to attend.
GMA awards is on June 18, her birthday. It would be so good if she attended and received the award for S.H.E as the Best Group. S.H.E has always been the best group in my heart :) If it's Ella's choice not to attend, then I respect her. Maybe she's too tired already to attend the awards. But I got the feeling HIM told her not to. Gaaaah! :/ On the otherhand, I feel so excited for H's 2nd album ^^

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