Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[Selina] Diong Diong's Weibo Update

【截圖:目錄】90天連續日記:從我接到消息 到她出院的所有點滴,沒有任何避諱,包括直接相關的家屬、E.H、華研、媒體、電視台及導演等,和間接相關的林志玲兄妹及哈林哥等,一切有意義的人與事。 本書:隨著時間沉澱,該知會的都先知會了,該感激的更感激,曾有的失望都已轉化成將來的期待。
Diary of 90 consequent days: From the moment I got the notice till the day she was discharged, everything that happened is documented, without any avoidance, including those that are directly involved in this her family members, E.H, H.I.M, media, radio, director etcetera, and those indirectly involved Lin Chi Ling, siblings, Harlem etcetera, everything and everyone that is worth to mention. The book will be released any time, what should be known has already been made known, those who should be thanked have been thanked, what has once been disappointment has now turned to anticipation for the future.

Chapter 1, frightened spirit in Shang Hai: The 1st day - the 2nd day (10/22-10/23)

These two days are the most horrible days in my life. Except that it was "a bolt from the blue"; except for not being able to find any words to say, except for being frightened out of my wits, I didn't know what to do.

Chapter 2, Returning to Taiwan to receive treatment: the 3rd day - the 11th day (10/24-11/1)

From being unable to decide, to switching back and forth, we finally decided to take her back to Taiwan.

On the 24th of October I finally saw her, I could barely recognize her. It was the first time I got to know the processes of burns from such close distance. I was worried, sad and nervous everyday, I didn't know what to do.

Chapter 3, Life at crisis: the 12th day-34th day (11/2-11/24)

We realized when we returned to Taiwan that we didn't get the situation clear, even she herself was overly optimistic.

On the first week, because she was back in a known place and had people she knew by her side, it seemed like she subconsciously thought that her injuries weren't that severe. She thought she will soon get better and turned calmer, and got herself armed.
Another kind of suffering began from the second week.

Chapter 4, Being out of danger: the 35th day-63rd day (11/25-12/22)

After skin-grafting till she was out of danger, when she didn't have fevers anymore and got rid of morphine, her mind got clearer slowly. From then on continuously she would get emotional break-downs and do physiotherapies, I started to get mentally unstable too.

Therapies didn't sound like it would be a problem, but it turned out to be a big problem.

Chapter 5, Waiting to return home: the 64th day-the 90th day (12/23-1/19)

She could finally stand up and move freely, she cried everyday because she wanted to go home.

Physiotherapies, psychological therapies, forcing herself to accept her outer appearance, those were tortures for her during this period of time. At the same time, I was close to needing psychological therapies myself.

Postscript & acknowledgements

【Screenshot: photos and royalty】 S is said to hurt if your note to stimulate sales, tears and blood of non-photo people can not see, perhaps in the future she will be healthy to face, after she decided to open it or not. No photos in the book, only her signature with my words. I do not care about sales, but prepared to cope her first royalty unknown long rehabilitation, if the quantity will be donated burns or disadvantaged groups. Do not buy it do not look OK, but please resist piracy.

『我今天沒有想哭,也沒有什麼事好開心的,只是單純想擺苦瓜臉••• 我黃牛,我還是小哭發洩一下好了••• 科科!』【Selina語錄2011/6/13】
["I haven't cried today but it isn't something to be happy for, I simply wanted to put on a sour face...It is probably better to break my promise and cry a little to vent out my emotions...keke!"] [Quotation by Selina 2011/6/13]

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