Thursday, May 26, 2011

[Selina] News: Selina Promoted to "CEO President"


Selina常到公司串门子、做复健,同事在她常待的办公室门上贴「总裁办公室」,逗她开心。 (华研提供)






【吴礼强╱台北报导】被火纹身逾7个月的Selina,暂时卸下歌手身分,直接当起唱片公司总裁?其实是她所属的华研唱片,整理1间专属会议室让她复健, 门上还贴著「Selina总裁办公室」门牌,搞笑逗她开心。外传婚期已订在12月,她未婚夫阿中否认:「她没有特别想搭百年新娘列车,还是要看身体状况而 定。」



出 院当天,她曾被拍到未上妆的脸红如关公,如今脸上的红肿已淡很多,下巴的矽胶贴片只剩1小块;伤得较重的腰、腿,因疤痕较厚,要先用「打疤器」将疤打软, 友人形容:「原本疤又硬又厚像铁皮一样,现在也比较软、薄。」还有为了不让双手成为鹰爪,她还不时得把手绑成像哆啦A梦般的拳头状,把皮肤、关节撑开。

有 时她也会到阳光基金会,和伤友一起复健、分享心情。友人表示:「基金会有更多完善器材,但有『同学』互相鞭策,让她不能偷懒。」如果没有这场意外,上月她 已多了人妻新身分,如今婚事延期,何时举行?阿中老话一句:「她希望能美美出席婚礼,所以没有时间表。」不过他也展露信心,只要Selina复元到不错的 程度,点头说可以结婚了,相关筹备事宜就会重新启动,不需太久时间,但否认规划12月结婚。

Credits: news sources; Baidu S.H.E

*From what I understand, she was given an exclusive room in her record company, HIM, for her rehabilitation and it says "Selina..Office of the President" which makes her laugh. She said her colleagues are all very caring to her. When her mom and dad are out, she'll go to the company to look for her colleagues. They are all concerned and started calling her 'President'. In the room, they prepared her an indoor bicycle, treadmill, stretch panels and etc. for her rehabilitation process. HIM's plan for Selina is to have an EP and a book. They are already working the songs out.

There were rumors that she'll be getting married on December but she denied it. It will all depend on her condition, When time will come that she's fully recovered, then she'll get married.

She has a wound on her knee which affects her mood greatly. :'(

More importantly, let's wait for the official translated news of this :)


Source: MSN Entertainment

The Taiwanese starlet's fiancé denies the rumour

It has been about seven months since Selina Jen, member of Taiwanese pop group S.H.E, was severely burnt on the set of drama I Have a Date with Spring. Four months after her discharge from the hospital, Selina is still on the road to recovery.

Selina was rumoured to marry fiancé Richard Chang in December. However, the singer has yet to respond to the claims.

Richard said that Selina wants to look beautiful on her wedding day, and that she "is not keen on jumping onto the wedding bandwagon". The lawyer added that the date of the wedding would depend on Selina's health.

However, Richard is confident that Selina will recover soon. He added that preparations will begin once the singer feels that it is time to get married.

In other related reports, Selina's recording company HIM recently set up an exclusive physiotherapy room for her and labeled it "C.E.O Selina's office". The singer is reportedly very happy with the room.

A treadmill, an exercise bike and other work-out equipments can be found in Selina's 'office', where she can attend her physiotherapy sessions while preparing for the launch of her book and album.

It is believed that Selina would only be working for two to three days a week.
JIA YOU, Selina! Jia You Jia You Jia You!
No matter how long it is, we will wait for you until you are fully recovered :)

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