Wednesday, October 26, 2011

[Selina] News + Video: Selina Caught After Eating at a Japanese Cuisine Restaurant

Selina(right) in parent's support, leaves the Japanese restaurant

Wearing pressure suits, Selina(left) is accompanied by friends to record company with steady pace. Rehabilitation Conditions are good.

Selina beaming last night put the microblogging paper cutting, marry off their daughters to be filled with a strong heart.

 【特勤组、尤燕祺╱台北报导】即将於本月31日「升格」人妻的Selina(任家萱),近日除偶尔在微博露脸外,久未在媒体镜头前曝光,据悉,她为了婚礼 持续在家努力复健,鲜少外出。昨日下午,《苹果》直击Selina从家中由黑色厢型车接送至华研唱片,傍晚还陪爸妈吃日本料理享天伦,她身材并没有严重走 样,而行走步伐也与常人无异,健康状况恢复良好,令人放心。

昨午,Selina到华研唱片杀时间,一直待到傍晚,她的座车再度出现在公司 楼下停车场,停在电梯出口好让Selina方便上车,接著到松江路上的「剑持屋」日式料理餐厅,座车也是直接停在餐厅外,好让Selina进门,席间还有 任爸及任妈陪同用餐,记者上前礼貌告知,可否请Selina受访拍照,任爸代为婉拒。但记者在餐厅外耐心等候,终於捕捉到Selina用餐后的正面身影。






女 儿出嫁倒数4天,任爸也掩不住心中五味杂陈的滋味,他在即将出版的新书《用爱守候:任爸那些说不出口的坚强》就写到:「爸爸从没有想过,还牵著我的手的可 爱女儿,如今已经长大。以前都只牵我的手,现在换成牵别人的手。」更不忘向女婿阿中喊话:「当我即将要将这双我牵了近30年的手、交到你手上时,请你体谅 我身为1个父亲,除了满满祝福外,心中还有多麼复杂的情绪。」

The news said that Selina went out that evening in a black van shuttle accompanied by her parents and the record company. She accompanied her parents to eat in a Japanese cuisine restaurant. Although her walking pace is different from ordinary people, her health status is a very good and reassuring recovery.

Yesterday afternoon, Selina went to her record company to kill time and stayed until evening. The car was parked downstairs in the parking lot. Then the car went to Sung Chiang Road to a Japanese restaurant. Their car was parked right outside the restaurant. Reporters came to take on Selina but Ren Ba declined. They stayed patiently outside and when Selina and her parents went out, they managed to take a few pictures. 

She was wearing a beige short-sleeved red shorts with foot slippers to the company alone with her dog to kill time. Although not completely healed  still wearing elastic pressure garment , but the physique is good. Reporters observed her walking conditions. Although there are pressure garments on the body which can influence the walking action, but it seems a very healthy pace. Speed is also different from normal people. Selina was also carrying a small bag, arrived in company , then at her side is her friend who helped her walk upstairs.

Credits: Baidu S.H.E 

Credits: kathportula

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