Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hebe's Weibo Update

前往日月光廣場My love簽名會路上,天陰陰的,希望不要下雨呀!
My love to the ASE Square signature on the road, day shade, hope it will not rain it!

See fall slide - plus King model!
God Ma Xiaoqing new, small art? Fall!

Ha ha ha! In the fall some years later ... still not aging

這次出門十天,上海-廣州-上海加上等等衝北京再速速回台北之行,真感謝一路上所有my love 的幫忙,才能一切順利呀!還要謝謝陪睡的浪跡天涯小象。感恩呀~
This time out ten days, Shanghai - Guangzhou - Shanghai Beijing and then washed with haste so the trip back to Taipei, I really thank all my love along the way of help to all the best ah! Thank you also to accompany the wandering elephant to sleep. Thanksgiving ah ~

This afternoon's some time, good thought of thinks of us(S.H.E). Now is also. Good night ~ Good night ~ May we all dreams ~

Good morning - off rainbow pajamas, I want to start another big rainbow! I wish you all today and as colorful rainbow!

回台北的路上。走道旁邊有一位天真的小女孩,無邪地吵 鬧著。加上她有同理心的媽媽一直大聲的管教著小女孩,要她小聲一點。有福氣的小廖在發出均勻呼吸聲的同時被我出賣了。生活不見得事事都能盡如人意,但我們 可以從中找到開心樂趣!願大家有好玩的一天!下午來西門町找我玩呀!唱歌給你們聽!
Returns to Taibei's road. Nearby the aisle has a naive little girl, is being free of evil intention noisy. In addition she has likewise heart's mother loudly to teach the little girl, wants her low voice spot. Had good fortune young Liao while to exude the even breathing to betray by me. Life everything can be entirely as desired not necessarily, but we might find the happy pleasure! Is willing everybody to have amusing one day! In the afternoon comes Ximending to ask me to play! Sings listens to you!

Recently Chang Kandao on-line some people used “to compel these two characters painstakingly”. Ask that is what meaning? Compels with hardship meaning? Good difficult to guess!
廣州的夕陽和廣州的my love~謝謝你們給我的溫暖,讓我暖烘烘的前往北京囉!♥
Guangzhou's setting sun and Guangzhou's my love~ thanks you to give my warmth, lets me nice and warm go to Beijing Luo! ♥
大部分的人生活都是一成不變的。甚至我這讓人覺得五光 十色又炫爛的演藝工作其實也是如此。機場﹣飯店﹣梳化﹣通告一個接一個﹣一模一樣的話﹣飯店﹣卸妝﹣睡覺﹣起床﹣機場﹣另一個機場﹣飯店﹣另一個飯 店...。這是每個人都避免不了的重複,所以我試著打開我的感知,發覺重複裡不一樣的驚喜與感動。
Most people life is hard and fast. I think this makes even the bright lights and dazzle of performing the work is actually bad, too. Airport - Hotel - sofas - one by a notice - exactly the same words - Hotel - Cleansing - sleep - get up - Airport - another airport - hotel - another hotel .... This is everyone unavoidable repetition, so I try to open my perception, not the same as found repeated in surprise and joy.

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