Wednesday, October 26, 2011

[Selina] News: 5 Days Before Selina's Wedding, Hebe, the Wine Ambassador, afraid of Dereliction of Duty


【朱健弘╱台北报导】Selina与未婚夫张承中(阿中)的婚礼倒数5天,据悉负责筹办 的华研音乐,为防堵媒体趁乱入场拍摄,在喜宴桌上都会标示宾客姓名,Hebe昨笑说本来自告奋勇要帮Selina挡酒,但因怕失职已开始后悔,阿中不也可 挡酒?Hebe说:「他一个人怎可能挡88桌客人?」阿中的书《上苍选了你》刚在中国推出简体字版,还有粉丝在网路上翻译成英文版,让Selina很感 动。

众所瞩目的Selina与阿中婚宴,在31日将於喜来登饭店举办,席开88桌,包括张惠妹、蔡依林、王力宏等宾客近千人,华研已在担 心桌数不够,担任伴娘的Hebe表示自己工作轻松,除穿上伴娘礼服,再来就是帮Selina挡酒:「因为Selina现在不能喝酒,Ella有酒胆没酒 量,喝2、3杯应该就会在沙发上睡著。」但她透露自己最近因工作太累会影响酒量,所以开始后悔答应这项任务。




There are 5 days to go before Selina's birthday/wedding. China Institute is responsible for organizing music for film attempts. To avoid the media of disarray, the tables will be marked with the names of the guests. Hebe said she's the wine ambassador, and it's her duty to stop Selina from drinking wine. Haha. But she's quite afraid. She said, "How can a person stop her in 88 tables?" Haha! Also, the English translation for the book, "God Chose You: Selina's 90 Days in Hell" is on the Internet. The link is here. Selina felt very touched that some people spend that much time and energy in translating :) Credits to the translator: Fran Lee

Selina's wedding banquet will be held at Sheraton Hotel with 88 tables for Ah Mei, Jolin Tsai, Wang Lee Hom, etc.  Hebe will help block the wine. She said Ella doesn't have bile wine drinker. In 3 cups, she'll be sleeping on the sofa already. Haha! Hebe also said she's afraid of interacting with Selina on the wedding. She reminds herself to control her emotions to prevent crying :')

Credits: Baidu S.H.E

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