Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hebe's Weibo Update

  三姊妹又不約而同的穿一樣圖案的衣服了啦!還有賊和Pinky也是喔!今天主題是「點點」。呵呵!!這就叫默契!這就叫愛!I love you~sisters~
Three sisters, who didn't decide beforehand, but yet wore the same pattern of clothes at the same time! Zei and Pinky also! Today's theme is "dots". Hehe!! This is called chemistry! This is called love! I love you~sisters~

Selina: 哈哈!pin的大屁股露出來了!點點萬歲!姐妹萬歲!(我正在邊復健邊搶聽!(^O^☆♪喔耶!!
Haha! Pin's big butt is revealed! Dots are the best! Sisters are the best! (I'm currently doing therapies while pre-listening (to Hebe's album) (^O^☆♪ wow!!) 

真心的謝謝青峰幫我把我那百轉千迴、波濤洶湧的複雜情緒,化成音符、文字,讓我用擅長的方式表達自己。你不只有好文筆,還是個有誠意、講義氣、腿又細的傢伙!Thank you soooooooooooooo much!
I really have to thank Qing Feng, who helped me turn my complicated emotions, which are full with twists and turns, to musical notes and text so I can express myself through what I'm good at. You are not only a good writer, you are also a sincere, loyal guy who has slim legs! Thank you soooooooooooooo much!

Ella: 真的很好聽,真想趕快擁有!
Really good to hear, really want to hurry with!

Ah Diong: There's one person, who didn't know anything until yesterday, she was so touched. So she broke down a little...

Side of the painting, while watching his childhood idol. Eyes, good acid it! Good night Yeah!

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