Friday, September 2, 2011

Selina's Weibo Update

天一 樣復健、一樣穿著新的娃娃鞋、一樣背著紅色包包,但是不一樣的是有美味的晚餐呢!呵呵!
Today, I did physiotherapy as usual, wearing the usual new pumps, carrying the usual red bag, the only difference is that there was a scrumptious dinner! 

Ella: 明天我幫你復健加料!科科!
I can help you feed during your rehabilitation tomorrow! Section!

師妹很爭氣!發了第二張專輯My Love!但是不要以為第二張就不用雙手奉上囉!這次不僅要雙手奉上,因為太熱門所以要奉上如扇子般的CD們!歐耶~吳買樂!加油!奈米原子彈發射
Our junior is good! Released her second album, My Love! But don’t you have the idea of not presenting your second album with both hands now that you have released your second album! This time round, you presented it in the shape of a “paper fan” because it’s too popular! Oh yeah~ Wu my love! Jiayou! 


Ella: 哈哈,師妹甄乖!
Haha,  Chen sister good!

Hebe: 我不僅喜歡這種歌還喜歡斃了,怎麼這麼會唱?聽説曬妳那回家第一件事就是聽吳買樂!
I not only like this song also like to shoot, how so sing? I heard the first thing to go home sun Nina Wu to buy music to listen to!

1 comment:

  1. AWE. S.H.E reunited. Selina looks so cute with her pigtails LOL. Ella hao ke ai with her bangs tied back! Hebe is gorgeous with her hair color but I think Black hair would suit her better though
