Saturday, March 26, 2011

[Ella] Video: Ella Back in Taiwan

Credits: Yvonne80134

The clip explained the reason behind Ella's invitation to Da S's wedding. The lady guest said Ella went there to join in the fun.

In the clip, it was said there was puzzleness why Ella was invited to Da S's wedding when its known that she is not close to the S's sisters or their gang of sisterhood consisting of Da S, Xiao S, Pace, Mavis, Makiyo, Fan Fan and Ah Ya. All the sisters attended Da S's wedding except for Mavis and in replacement of her, a new face, Ella.

According to Fan Fan, it was at a gathering at a friend's place and Ella asked Da S whether she can attend the wedding as she wants to go. In such a circumstance, naturally an invitation was given. Fan Fan said Ella was really hyper and having great fun at the wedding and she has nicknamed Ella "Mei Qi Jie Jie- beautiful weird sister" because of her personality. That during the short 2 days, Ella have grown close to Fan Fan and Ah Ya, with much reluctant parting with them at the airport after the wedding.

Then there is mention about Ella straight forwardness in asking for things. The guy who looks like a Caucasian said there was one time Ella went straight up to him and asked to take a photo together.

Then the clip mention about how as Selina is getting married soon, its probably Ella also wants to do the same. Then showed the part about Ella and Alvin.
Credits: nikitaangel/prella30190
Okay. So are they showing Ella's the gatecrasher? Anyways, Fan Fan clarified that Ella was invited by Barbie through Weibo. And I don't think Ella will invite herself in the wedding. Oh please, she isn't like that.

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